Childbirth Education Classes

also known as: Prenatal Education, Prenatal Classes, Birthing Classes

Are you…

First time parents with no idea what to expect?
Having a hospital birth?
Having a home birth?
Having a scheduled cesarean?

Having a VBAC?
Suddenly feeling anxious about giving birth?
Just wanting to learn more?

Completely unsure of the birth experience you desire?

At Squamish Birth Services, my Childbirth Education Class is robust. You will feel prepared to birth your baby. You will feel confident in making decisions that feel best for you and your family.

You will finish with intimate knowledge of pregnancy, the anatomy of childbirth, the stages of labor, when to call your provider, and the skills to advocate for the things you desire for the birth of your baby.

Read on for all the details!

I have carefully and attentively developed this curriculum through all of my past experiences serving clients. We will cover the most common questions and concerns that I have come across during my time as a doula. I will answer all of your questions, from “how many arteries are in an umbilical cord” to “what are those hip squeezes that all my dude friends are talking about?

The beauty of private classes is we can go into as much detail, or as little detail on each topic as you'd like! Classes can go in any direction; they are individualized and tailored specifically to your needs.

But…I feel confident already. It’s my partner that’s nervous;
he just has no idea what to expect!
Can you help with that?


If you are birthing with a partner present, I want them to feel well equipped to support you during your birth experience. I put a large focus on teaching them how to comfort you emotionally, as well as physically. I will give tips on how to be more attentive to your needs in labor and postpartum, and I even teach them all the best ways to keep you nourished and hydrated!

Another reason I love educating partners so much…oxytocin! You may have heard that Oxytocin is “the love drug” or “the bonding hormone.” You know that lovely feeling of warmth and safety that you experience when you get a long, comforting hug or smooch from your partner? That is an oxytocin rush! Oxytocin plays a huge role in labor, breastfeeding, and even helping to move sperm! It’s really powerful, and knowing how to facilitate the release of oxytocin can make for a more straightforward labor. I’ll give you all kinds of ideas for how to relax and bond during labor and birth.

How can I help when my partner is in pain?
How do I know when it’s time to call the midwives?
How do I know what my partner needs in the moment?

I will help your partner find their confidence to support you during pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum - both mentally and physically. I teach what to look for, what to do when contractions are coming on so strong that they can’t speak, what comfort measures can help, and when to use them.

But what if I don’t have a partner?

The circumstances surrounding your life’s dynamics can come in to play as much, or as little as you feel comfortable with. You can tell me absolutely everything, or you can tell me nothing. I have served several clients who have birthed without a partner, and I support them the same as I do everyone else - with the intent to instill strength and reduce fear, and without judgement or bias. I will help you find your confidence, and I will support you during the birth of your baby!

Ready to learn all about it?

Private Childbirth Education Classes - $350+

  • A private experience, tailored to your personal birth goals. I am still offering in-person classes at your home. Masking + social distancing must be adhered to in order to protect myself and other clients

  • Approximately 8 hours of interactive learning, demonstrations, slideshows, and videos

  • Choose from 2 class formats: The 3 Class Series** ($350) - OR - Childbirth Education in a Day ($350 weekday/$450 weekend)

**The 3 Class Series is HIGHLY recommended. This allows you more time to absorb and ruminate on what you have learned. As well, questions may come up during or after class, and having time between will allow me to send you additional resources, or prepare to alter the curriculum slightly to better fit your needs.


Availability is limited. You should aim to finish your childbirth education class at least 4 weeks before your estimated due date


Decision Making during Pregnancy and Birth
Pregnancy and birth comes with many decisions, and I teach you a neat way to navigate all of the information that is surely coming your way!

Common complaints
How to cope

Common Prenatal Testing
What, when, why, and risks vs benefits

Anatomy of Pregnancy
Amniotic sac
Umbilical cord
Fetal positions

The Three Stages of Labor
How your body and your baby work together
What labor can look like
What labor can feel like
How labor progresses, and how your care provider may assess progress
When to call your care provider
When to go to the hospital, or call your midwives

Comfort Measures and Pain Relief Options
Non-medical options - Breathing Techniques, physical comfort measures
Medical options
How the partner can help

Decision Making in Pregnancy, Labor, and Birth
How to navigate all of the information and different scenarios you may be faced with during your pregnancy, labor, birth, and postpartum period

For birther
For baby

Cesarean Delivery
When it may be medically necessary
Surgical preparation
Things to know about the OR
How the surgery is performed
Requests you can make to your surgical team to make your experience better
Recovering from a cesarean

Immediate Postpartum
How a newborn is assessed immediately after birth
Skin to Skin
Newborn decisions
Post-birth Recovery

Options for Infant Feeding
Breastfeeding options
Formula Feeding options
All other feeding options, such as exclusively pumping, pumping + bottle feeding, combination of pumping + breastfeeding

Your Baby
Newborn Cues
Changing a diaper
Safe Sleep
The secret onesie trick that it seems only doulas know ;)

Ready to sign up?